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About us

We believe that supreme taste is the defining quality of sweets, and unforgettable taste can only be acquired by selecting ingredients of the highest quality.
It is our conviction that we stand by no matter what. Our dream is that every piece of confectionery we produce is a small but powerful testimony of our fanatical dedication to the quality of the ingredients we source: from organic milk that is used to produce cream fudge to the most delicious fruit that arrive at our factories from the distant Chile.

Ready to travel the world

As you see, we are prepared to travel the world just to produce the best results. Moreover, we are proud and delighted to invite you to discover the process of producing sweets. We are bound and determined to guarantee full transparency. Whether it`s the recipes we’ve developed and perfected over three generations, the process of sourcing ingredients or the loving care with which we craft our products – we are an open book. Because that is the only way we can cross our hearts and say that we sell only products of excellent taste and highest quality.

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